What Makes Digital Scent Technology Market a Booming Industry

  • December 13, 2018
  • 1512
  • Semiconductor and Electronics

New York City, NY, 13 December, 2018/24 Market Reports:Digital Scent Technology Market studies the global Digital Scent Technology market status and forecast, categorizes the global Digital Scent Technology market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Digital Scent Technology Market focuses on the top manufacturers in United States, Europe, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and other regions.

n the late 1950s, Hans Laube invented the Smell-O-Vision, a system which released odor during the projection of a film so that the viewer could "smell" what was happening in the movie. The Smell-O-Vision faced competition with AromaRama, a similar system invented by Charles Weiss that emitted scents through the air-conditioning system of a theater.Variety dubbed the competition "the battle of the smellies".

Smell-O-Vision did not work as intended. According to a Variety review of the mystery comedy film Scent of Mystery (1960), which featured the one and only use of Smell-O-Vision, aromas were released with a distracting hissing noise and audience members in the balcony complained that the scents reached them several seconds after the action was shown on the screen. In other parts of the theater, the odors were too faint, causing audience members to sniff loudly in an attempt to catch the scent. These technical problems were mostly corrected after the first few showings, but the poor word of mouth, in conjunction with generally negative reviews of the film itself, led to the decline of Smell-O-Vision.

The report also presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/manufacturers in the market.

Digital Scent Technology Market Manufacturers:

  • Alpha MOS
  • Electronics Sensor Technology
  • AIRSENSE Analytics
  • Owlstone
  • Owlstone
  • Scent Sciences
  • G.A.S.
  • Sensigent

To Know More About Manufactures with Their Product Types, Applications and Regions Click Here

